Creating a New Event in the DC.USSSA Event Management System: A Step-by-Step Guide
Introduction: This tutorial from USSSA University guides you through creating a new event using the DC USSSA Event Management System, specifically tailored for event directors.
Step 1: Log In and Access Event Creation
Log In: Access your DC account and navigate to the event creation module.
Start New Event: Click on "Create a New Event." A model will appear with several tabs.
Step 2: Complete Required Fields
Fill Out Details: Each tab contains fields necessary for event setup. Fields marked in pink are mandatory.
Progress Indication: Upon completing all fields in a tab, the yellow triangle at the header will turn into a green checkbox.
Step 3: Input Event Details
Event Name and Location: Specify the tournament name and a descriptor for the event location.
Dates and Registration Deadline: Select the start and end dates, ensuring they align with the correct season. Set the event registration deadline to at least two days before the start.
Stature and Format: Choose the event's stature and format. If the event's stature exceeds your clearance, build it as a qualifier and coordinate with your state or area director for elevation.
Step 4: Fees and Divisions
Input Entry and Gate Fees: Specify the entry fee for directors and the gate fee if applicable.
Divisions: Add at least one division to the event. You can specify different start and end dates within the overall event's range.
Step 5: Event Contacts
Assign Directors: Assign yourself or others as fiscal and event directors. You can also add lodging directors and secondary directors, specifying their permissions.
Step 6: Locations
Add Locations: Search for and add event locations. You can attach locations to the entire event or specific divisions.
Step 7: Social Media and Communication
Social Media Links: Provide social media handles and rainout communication options.
Completion: Ensure the first six tabs have green checkmarks indicating completion.
Step 8: Finalize and Create Event
Review and Create: Once all sections are green-checked, click to create the event. It will generate with the specified divisions, fees, and locations.
Post-Creation Edits: After creation, you can edit division-specific details, fees, and locations as needed.
Approval Process:
If you're not a state-level director, notify your state director to approve and make the event visible.
Conclusion: Creating an event is a straightforward process that requires attention to detail. For assistance or further information, reach out to HQ or consult additional tutorials on USSSA University.